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Attention points of Planet Hemp ๐ŸŒ

Horizontal Policy

Planet Hemp is committed to a horizontal policy, which means that all members of the organization have an equal say in its decision-making processes. This approach ensures that the organization is truly representative of the diversity of its members and that decisions are made in a way that is fair and equitable.

Voting Procedures

All decisions within Planet Hemp are made by a vote of its members. The organization uses a consensus-based voting system, which means that decisions are only made if all members agree. This ensures that all members feel heard and that decisions are made in a way that everyone can support.


Sustainability is at the heart of everything Planet Hemp does. The organization is committed to using hemp in a way that is environmentally friendly and that does not harm people or the planet. Planet Hemp also promotes sustainable practices among its members and partners.


Planet Hemp is committed to creating a more inclusive world for all. The organization is open to members from all backgrounds and walks of life, and it is committed to working with partners to promote diversity and inclusion in the hemp industry.


Planet Hemp is a hub for innovation in the hemp industry. The organization encourages its members to develop new and innovative products and applications for hemp, and it supports research and development into new hemp-based technologies.

Social Cohesion

Planet Hemp is committed to building stronger communities around the world. The organization promotes education and awareness about the benefits of hemp, and it works with partners to develop programs that support social cohesion and economic development.

Care for Food Production Cycles

Planet Hemp is committed to supporting sustainable food production cycles. The organization promotes the use of hemp in organic farming, and it works with partners to develop new and innovative farming techniques that are both sustainable and productive.

The Short Chain

Planet Hemp supports the development of short supply chains for hemp products. Short supply chains reduce the environmental impact of transportation and ensure that farmers receive a fair price for their crops.

Women’s Rights

Planet Hemp is committed to promoting women’s rights in the hemp industry. The organization supports programs that empower women to succeed in the hemp industry, and it works with partners to develop policies that promote gender equality.


Planet Hemp is committed to promoting the participation of minorities in the hemp industry. The organization supports programs that provide training and support to minorities in the hemp industry, and it works with partners to develop policies that promote diversity and inclusion.


Planet Hemp is a network of individuals and organizations working to promote the use of hemp for sustainable and equitable development. The organization connects its members with each other and with other stakeholders in the hemp industry, and it provides a platform for collaboration and innovation.


Planet Hemp is a member of a number of international networks that promote sustainable development and social justice. These networks provide Planet Hemp with access to a wider range of resources and expertise, and they help to amplify the organization’s voice in the global arena.


Planet Hemp works with local communities around the world to promote the use of hemp and to build stronger communities. The organization supports community development projects that use hemp, and it provides training and support to community members.

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Structure of Planet Hemp ๐ŸŒ

Planet Hemp is a global collaboration that aims to promote the sustainable and responsible use of hemp for a variety of purposes. The cooperation is organized into a number of different working groups, each of which focuses on a specific area of hemp development and application.

The overall structure of Planet Hemp is as follows:

  1. Global Steering Committee: This committee is responsible for setting the overall direction and strategy of Planet Hemp. It is composed of representatives from member organizations and other key stakeholders.
  2. Thematic Working Groups: These groups focus on specific areas of hemp development and application, such as sustainable building, circular economies, biodegradable products, and innovative applications.
  3. Regional Working Groups: These groups focus on promoting hemp development and adoption in specific regions of the world.
  4. Technical Advisory Groups: These groups provide expert advice on specific technical issues related to hemp production, processing, and utilization.
  5. Communication and Outreach Working Group: This group is responsible for communicating the work of Planet Hemp to the public and building relationships with key stakeholders.

In addition to its formal structure, Planet Hemp also has a number of partnerships with other organizations, businesses, and governments. These partnerships help to expand the reach and impact of the cooperation.

Planet Hemp’s governance structure is designed to be open, transparent, and inclusive. The cooperation is committed to working with a wide range of stakeholders to achieve its goals.

Here are some of the benefits of Planet Hemp’s structure:

  • It allows for a diversity of perspectives and expertise. The cooperation brings together people from around the world with different backgrounds and experiences, which helps to ensure that all aspects of hemp development are considered.
  • It promotes collaboration and innovation. The working groups and partnerships provide opportunities for people to work together to develop new and innovative applications for hemp.
  • It is scalable. The structure of Planet Hemp can be adapted to accommodate the growing number of organizations and individuals interested in the cooperation.

By fostering collaboration and innovation, Planet Hemp is helping to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

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Goals of the global cooperation Planet Hemp ๐ŸŒ

Planet Hemp is a global cooperation that aims to harness the potential of hemp to revolutionize industries and transform our planet. The organization is focused on the following goals:

Sustainable Systems

  • Develop sustainable hemp-based products: Pioneer innovative hemp-based materials for construction, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and more, replacing environmentally harmful alternatives.
  • Promote sustainable agriculture practices: Empower farmers to cultivate hemp sustainably, enhancing soil health and reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Circular Economy

  • Foster circularity and open knowledge: Create an open-access platform for research and development, sharing data, findings, and insights on hemp cultivation, processing, and utilization.
  • Promote the use of hemp in renewable energy: Support the development and adoption of hemp-based biofuels, bioplastics, and other renewable energy products.

Ecological Index

  • Create an ecological hemp index: Establish an index that measures the environmental impact of hemp-based products, informing sustainable production and consumption.
  • Reduce reliance on polluting industries: Encourage the use of hemp-based products, helping to reduce our reliance on polluting industries, such as oil and gas.


  • Promote the health benefits of hemp: Raise awareness about the potential therapeutic benefits of hemp, including pain relief, anxiety reduction, and seizures.
  • Enhance environmental quality: Replace harmful materials with hemp-based alternatives, reducing pollution and improving air quality.

Sustainable Economy

  • Support investment in hemp: Work with investors to identify and support promising hemp-based businesses.
  • Create jobs and economic opportunities: Foster the growth of the hemp industry, creating jobs and economic opportunities in agriculture, manufacturing, and other sectors.

Education and Inspiration

The global cooperation for hemp, Planet Hemp, has ambitious goals to revolutionize industries and transform our planet for the better. Here are some of their key objectives:

1. Promote sustainable building systems: Hemp can be used to create a wide range of sustainable building materials, including insulation, panels, and bricks. These materials are strong, durable, and environmentally friendly. Planet Hemp aims to encourage the adoption of hemp-based building materials to reduce our reliance on harmful materials such as concrete and steel.

2. Foster circular economies: Hemp is a versatile plant that can be used to produce a variety of products. By promoting circular economies, Planet Hemp aims to create a more sustainable system where waste from one industry can be used as a resource for another.

3. Develop biodegradable products: Hemp can be used to create biodegradable products that break down naturally in the environment. This can help to reduce the amount of pollution and waste generated by traditional products. Planet Hemp aims to accelerate the development and adoption of hemp-based biodegradable products.

4. Pioneer innovative applications: Hemp has the potential to be used in a wide range of innovative applications. Planet Hemp aims to support research and development into new and emerging hemp-based technologies.

5. Educate and inspire: Planet Hemp aims to educate and inspire individuals, businesses, and governments about the benefits of hemp. They believe that by raising awareness, we can create a world where hemp is used to its full potential.

In addition to these specific goals, Planet Hemp also has a broader mission to promote a more sustainable and equitable future. They believe that hemp can play a key role in addressing the challenges we face, such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality.

By working together, we can harness the power of hemp to create a healthier, more sustainable, and more just world.

  • Educate and inspire individuals and businesses: Raise awareness about the transformative power of hemp, inspiring individuals and businesses to embrace sustainable practices.
  • Promote advocacy for policy change: Advocate for policies that support the growth of the hemp industry, including removing regulatory barriers and providing tax incentives.

By working towards these goals, Planet Hemp aims to make hemp a driving force for positive change in the world.